No Smoking & No Pet Policy

No Pets

Except for service animals or approved support animals for persons with disabilities, no pets are allowed (even temporarily) anywhere in or about the Premises. Care and feeding of stray or unauthorized animals or pets is prohibited. If an animal has been in the Premises at any time during the guest’s stay, the guest shall be charged for all costs pertaining to damage to the Premises, de-fleaing, deodorizing, and/or carpet shampooing to protect future residents from possible health hazards.

If any Occupant is found to be in possession of any prohibited animal(s), Lessee may be charged a fee of no less than $200 per incident, in addition to the foregoing charges for damages and cleaning, and Coastal Vida Property Management may treat such violation as grounds for removal from the Premises. Occupants will also be required to remove the animal(s) from the Premises.

No Smoking

No smoking is permitted in the property or in any public or common areas, including bathrooms, elevators, stairwells, and hallways. A cleaning charge of $200 will be imposed to violators of this policy.